Safety Through Spiritual Life Skills is an initiative of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. It is dedicated to the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021 - 2030

Road Safety Bike Rallies
“Surakshit Bharat: Road Safety Bike Awareness Rallies in 2022” A nationwide bike rally is conducted to create awareness on the road safety among the general public, encouraging youth for abiding rules, blending speed with safety and spirituality. Read More ►

“Road Safety Through Spiritual Life Skills” is an initiative to raise awareness about road safety amongst road users and other stakeholders and to promote the importance of peace of mind, inner stability and application of human values for enhancing safety.

A Holistic Framework for
Some Cool Facts
Numbers Speak For Themselves
Years of Experience
Programs and Events
Yearly Conferences
Pledges Taken for Road Safety
By current trends, in Africa, by 2020, deaths from Road Accidents will be higher than HIV and Cancer combined..... We need to deepen values in communities to prevent road accidents.
Rehana Moosaje
the MMC for Transport in Johannesburg
After more than 27 years of experience in the field of road safety, I now believe that spirituality has been the missing dimension in
road safety policies.
Mr B. Buntipilly
Special Advisor on Road Safety Matters at the PMO, Mauritius
I was very impressed by the quality of silence, the quality of exchanges and by the peace which reigns here. I had no idea at which point meditation allowed one to be resourced. Thank you very much.
A Participant
in an Event
Contact Details
- +91 970 287 1000
Prabhu Upvan, F Wing, Ekta Bhoomi Gardens,
Dattapada Road, Borivali (E). Mumbai - 400 066 India